Get Set for Summer with Structure


Talk about a pandemic time warp! One minute I’m regaling you with organizing genius, the next I’m gone. It’s hard for all of us to keep track of what day - or month - it is as we slog our way through this weird summer. Time has gotten away from me, as has this blog.

As the last four months has done for lots of us, I have been forced to prioritize my time, making decisions about who gets my minutes: the kids, my husband, writing, household management or me (note who came last on that list). This, of course, is always the case, but with two little people just a “mommy!” away at every - and I mean every! - given moment, the demand to prioritize is extra high.

As the school year was coming to a close, I began to panic about the lack of structure the 10 weeks of summer would bring. My whole family works better with structure, as I think many do. It works for me… I am an organizer after all. And it works for my kids, because as most parenting experts will tell you, kids need structure to feel safe. Not to mention not being bored all day.

So my husband Ben and I put our creative heads together and established our own 8-week summer camp for our kids to do at home. Camp Funder (a combo of our last names Fussiner-Lender… it’s not a fundraising camp) is by us and for just us. And it has been a success.

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Both boys (who are 5 and 8) love it. They help create the weekly schedule of activities, their counselors are super cool and people who like to wear pajamas all day still can. And this parent loves it too. We know, even if loosely, what we will be doing each week day and while the activities have been fun and engaging for the kids, it’s been fun for the grown-ups to get in on the camp spirit too.

This is, I admit, an extreme example of adding structure to your summer. Even just a daily family walk or basketball or board game is something. We still have six weeks until school starts (fingers crossed!) and I feel relieved for all of us to have the upcoming theme weeks to look forward to.

Check out our camp here. I’ll let you know if any spots for campers open up soon.

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